seis - shoo
- seismic design code (7 points) / seismic rating of
- seismic design code (7 points) / seismic rating of
- seismicity
- self-inflammable mixture
- self-powered
- semi-finished product
- semi-sandy alumina
- semicontinuous casting
- Sendzimir mill
- senior foreman
- sequence logic diagram
- Sequential batch controls
- serve customers, to
- Service Center
- service life period
- service norm
- service platform
- services block
- servo-control
- set off
- Set-up Repair and Relining Shop
- settlement
- settler feed tank
- settler feed tank agitator
- settling tank
- sewer system / sanitary sewers / tiolet drain
- sewerage
- shaft seal
- shall be constructed of
- shall be read in conjunction
- shall be used in preference
- shaped casting
- shared financing
- shareholder
- shareholder meeting
- shear
- shear lug/pocket (spur)
- shear lug/pocket (spur)
- sheave
- sheet-steel drum
- 1
- 2